Welcome to The 1st Annual Conference on Research, Educational Implementation, Social Studies and History (AREISSH)

Welcome AREISSH 2021


The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the whole order of people's lives. Governments in each country are overwhelmed to overcome this disaster-related problem since Covid-19 is a new type of virus and there have not been many studies which have successfully revealed the nature of this outbreak. As a result, the government should deal with two difficult choices. Priority in the national economic sector will threaten public health. Conversely, if public health is prioritized, the national economy will be neglected and may lead to a crisis.

The education sector during the Covid-19 Pandemic is currently undergoing a total reformation. The education process at schools and colleges which was carried out face-to-face has now turned into virtual face-to-face learning utilizing various platforms. Also, the Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted the research and development process in the field which must be delayed due to the risk of Covid-19 transmission. In regard to this, the educational process does not run optimally. In fact, education is the process of developing the future generation of a country that are supposed to supported by all parties while looking for solutions to the problems at hand.

Science, in this context, is required to find solutions to solve these problems. Science is born by human thinking when it poses problems. The various kinds of technology enjoyed by humans nowadays are the result of the science development. The role of science in overcoming the Covid-19-related problems is very important considering that every policy taken by the government must consider academic aspects based on various studies in the past. One of the sciences needed to deal with this problem is history.

History deals with all events that occurred in the past which were tied to a cause-and-effect relationship. Also, History is a source of lessons for humans to face the challenges in the future. In regard to the current Covid-19 outbreak, the world in the past has experienced various plagues such as the Spanish Flu, Cholera, Antrax, Ebola, Avian Flu, and other diseases. Humans have faced the plague and managed to survive, even to find a cure for many times. This accumulated experience helps people through the challenges of their time.

As part of social sciences, the objects of historical study include humans who are bound by the dimensions of space and time. This confirms that history is part of science that is tied to human life. Therefore, various policies taken by the government must also be reviewed from the past historical experience with adjustments to the conditions of the era. Moreover, historical experience will provide an idea that humans are always innovating to solve the problems they face, especially policies related to education and learning.

Based on those problems, History Education Study Program of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta will hold an international conference on "Future Teaching and Learning: A Disruptive Innovation." The aim of the conference is providing a forum for exchanging information and finding solutions to learning and teaching problems in the current era of disruption, considering that the Covid-19 Pandemic has changed everything. This conference will seek solutions and innovations from various perspectives which include social, historical and educational perspectives.


Future Teaching and Learning: A Disruptive Innovation



History & Character Building
Social & Economic History
History of the Area
Local History
Social Studies
Social Science Education
Humanities Education
Social And Community Studies
Civic And Political Studies
Cultural Studies
Global Studies
Environmental Studies
History of Education
Classroom Management
Curriculum & Instruction
Elementary Education
Education Policy
Educational Technology
Higher Education
Learning Styles & Theories
Special Education
Testing & Assessment




Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Perkumpulan Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah seluruh Indonesia (P3SI)


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